Here are seven ways to catch and reorient yourself when you find yourself saying or thinking things like, "Nothing is going right," "I'm never able to . . . ," or "It's hopeless."
- Remember that "always" and "never" sentences are almost never true!
Try to banish these words from your vocabulary. They're satisfyingly dramatic but unnecessary downers. - Look hard at the truth of your negative statement.
Is it completely accurate? Is it fair? Things are seldom entirely grim. - Flip your statement to its positive side:
"What's going right is . . . " or, "At least I'm able to . . . " - Play the "glad game."
Make like Pollyanna, the girl who vowed to find one thing to be glad about no matter how bad things were. Corny, but effective. - Get a reality check.
Ask the doctor, a sibling, or friend to go over a situation (or aspect of a situation) that has you feeling down or upset and review the facts. What else might be considered? How bad is it really? What does he or she suggest? - Ask yourself, "Where do I go from here?"
Think of one positive step you can take -- even if it's a baby step -- that will shift your reality to a slightly better one. There may still be plenty to be glum about, but this act shifts you toward a sense of positive momentum. - Remind yourself that you're doing the best you can in a hard situation.
As the saying goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
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