Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Health Benefits of Golf

An 80-year-old man went to the doctor for a checkup, and the doctor was amazed at what good shape the guy was in. The doctor asked, "To what do you attribute your good health?"

The old timer said, "I'm a golfer. I'm up well before daylight and out golfing up and down the fairways."

The doctor said, "Well, I'm sure that helps, but there has to be more to it. How old was your dad when he died?"

The old timer said, "Who said my dad's dead?"

The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old and your dad's still alive? How old is he?"

"He's 100 years old and, in fact, he golfed with me this morning. That's why he's still alive; he's a golfer."

The doctor said, "Well, that's great, but I'm sure there's more to it. How about your dad's dad? How old was he when he died?"

The old timer said, "Who said my grandpa's dead?"

The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old and your grandfather's still living! How old is he?"

The old timer said, "He's 118 years old."

The doctor was getting frustrated at this point and said, "I guess he went golfing with you this morning too?" The old timer said, "No ... Grandpa couldn't go this morning because he got married."

The doctor said in amazement, "Got married! Why would a 118-year-old guy want to get married?"

The old timer said, "Who said he wanted to?"


Dementia Signage for the Home

To Do List Dry Erase Board   Calendar Appointment  Reminder Stickers (Red)

Checklist for Brushing Teeth Wall Decal   Doctor's Appointment Reminder Dry Erase Board

Manual Prescription Notepads   French Linen Business Card Template (Sky))

Red Dry Erase Board   Phone List Wall Decal

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