Saturday, July 13, 2013

How to Cleanse Your Karma

Karma is the energy that surrounds us and, depending on your actions, attitudes and outlook on life. It can be generally negative or positive. Those with negative karma will feel the consequences with agonizing situations, negativity, resentments and a feeling of bad luck or that the world is against you. You can cleanse your karma and attract positive energy instead with several different karma cleansing techniques.

Things You'll Need

  • Journal or notebook
  • Pen
  • Small slips of paper


  1. Be grateful. Fill your heart with thanks for all the good things in your life so it opens the door for more good things to enter. Regularly write a gratitude list, which can consists of anywhere from five to dozens of items for which you are grateful. Examples include your health, your home, your family, your pets, your job or even little things like seeing the sun rise or set or a butterfly land on your porch. Write a list daily for best results, without repeating the same entries from the day before.
  2. Act with love. Open the door for strangers. Let cars that have been waiting to turn pull out in front of you. Sprinkle the world with random acts of kindness. Know the old saying about what goes around will come around is all too true.
  3. Check your motives. Be wary of actions that appear kind on the surface but hide a not so savory motive underneath. Calling your friend to see how she is recovering from surgery is great if you are doing it because you actually care. Calling her to see how near death she is and to talk her into leaving you her new car if she dies is not. Keep your motives pure and only act on those that are truly for the good of others and not self serving.
  4. Watch your attitude. Omit certain words and thoughts from your repertoire, such as "can't," "will never," "failure," and the like. Watch what you say and think, as the universe definitely picks up on it. Say "I will get a great job," and you may open the doors to an opportunity where you will be very likely to land one. Say, "I'll never get a job I like," may make that self-fulfilling prophecy come true.
  5. Forgive. Make a list of all your resentments and get rid of them. Note your part in the situation and apologize for it, if necessary. Write past grudges on little slips of paper, fold them into little parcels and burn them in an ashtray. Repeat the words, "I am free of past resentments and anger" as you watch them blow away in smoke.


  • In addition to a gratitude list, you may want to regularly write down positive reinforcements, especially if you are having some karma cleansing difficulties. Positive reinforcements can consist of anything at all that drive home the point that you are worthy, beautiful, kind, spiritual and glorious being.
  • Leaving small, positive notes on your bathroom mirror, your desk, in your car or other places where you'll regularly be reminded of them is another good way to cleanse your karma to keep it positive.
  • Your karma will not be easy to cleanse if your heart is full of anger and resentments. Replace that anger with gratitude and love.

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